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Seller’s Closing Cost Calculator

1. Owner Policy of Title Insurance
2. Escrow Fee
3. Guaranty Fee
4. Recording Fees
5. Tax Report
6. Copies
7. Courier/Overnight Fees
8. Additional Wire Transfer Fee
9. Attorney Fee for Document Preparation
10. Attorney Fee for Document Review
Brokerage Commission
12. Appraisal Fee
13. Seller's Survey
14. Termite Certification
15. Tax Prorations - Charge / (Credit)
16. Homeowners Assoc. Dues
17. Escrow Account Refund
18. Estimated Repairs
19. Seller Paid Closing Costs
20. Estimated Unallowable Fees for Buyer
21. Payoff Lien(s) (Principle & Interest)
22. Payoff Penalty
23. Discount Points
24. Home Protection Plan
25. Option Fee (+/-)
Seller’s Estimated Total
Net Due Seller - Estimate

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T = Insuring Form R = Rate Rule P = Procedural Rule

Disclaimer: The Rattikin Title Calculators are an Internet-based platform, which provides our customers with a user-friendly method of obtaining estimates for certain categories of settlement related costs. There may be variables that need to be considered in determining the final rate to be charged, including geographic and transaction-specific items which are beyond the functionality provided by Rattikin Title Company Calculators. All estimates obtained through the use of these calculators are dependent upon the accuracy of the information entered into the calculator. Please contact your local Rattikin Title office or agent to confirm your quote.

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